28th Annual Lamar Days Rod Run
Willow Creek Park Rotary Way, LamarSince before 1995, the Lamar community has enjoyed the annual Lamar Days Rod Run, which features a Car Show, Poker Run, Concessions, Parade, Vendor Booths, and more! When: May 17 – May 18, 2024 Where: Willow Creek Park, Lamar, Colorado Cruise Friday at 6 PM 1001 N Main St, Lamar, CO Learn more…
Annual Amache Pilgrimage
Amache Museum 109 E Goff Ave, GranadaPilgrimages to former WWII concentration camps for those of Japanese descent were started in the late 1960s. It took nearly a quarter-century for former prisoners and their descendants to question why they had been imprisoned and begin searching for answers. Take a pilgrimage to Camp Amache in Granada for an impactful historical experience. Saturday, May 18 6:00 AM Bus pickup […]