Nee Gronda
Property: 4,426 acres of public access that includes the entire Queens, Nee Gronda, and Nee Noshe area with 3,400 acres surface area. Motorboats: Permitted. A small, primitive, free public boat ramp is available on the east side of the lake.
Adobe Creek, aka Blue Lake
Property: 5,147 acres of public access land with 5,000 acres of surface area Motorboats: permitted. A public boat ramp is available.
Queens State Wildlife Area
Queens State Wildlife Area is excellent for shore and wading birds in low-water years-phalaropes, avocets, sandpipers, black-necked stilts, and dowitchers.
Two Buttes State Wildlife Area
This reservoir and state wildlife area just east of Highway 385 and south of the Prowers county line is among the crown jewels of Southeast Colorado birding spots.
Thurston Reservoir State Wildlife Area
Thurston Reservoir is a great place to see good rails, bitterns, and ducks swimming in the open channels.
Mike Higbee State Wildlife Area
This small State Wildlife Area doesn’t look like much, but the hedgerows around the maintenance buildings can attract large flocks of sparrows, and the reeds along the creek support Virginia Rail, Sora, Green Heron, Belted Kingfisher, and Common Yellowthroat.